About listing a Small Pilgrim Place

We encourage you to join SPPN as an individual before thinking of listing a Place on the network. This gives you a chance to learn more about SPPN as you travel with us for a while. As a member you have access to all SPPN materials, including details on creating and maintaining a SPP, accounts of how others have set up SPPs and other inspirational and practical material. The Core Group are very happy to explore with you, where you are, and what is the appropriate way forward for you.

How to go about listing

First of all email us - enquiries@smallpilgrimplaces.org – to say that you are thinking about a potential SPP. We will then contact you, perhaps requesting more details, or suggesting somebody more local to get in touch for a conversation, zoom meeting or visit to progress the process of mutual discernment.

There is a simple information form to complete for a web listing. We will also ask for some photos for the website. Feel free to contact other members. visit other SPPs, come to the annual gathering to share stories and insights and learn from one another about how other SPPs have developed.

The Small Pilgrim Places Network undertakes no legal liability and reserves the right to ask SPPs to withdraw.

Key Roles

Two key roles that are needed for a SPP are the contact person and the hospitaller. These may be carried out by the same person or by several people – every Place is different.

It is often helpful if the contact person and/or hospitaller has a local support team to lend a hand when necessary in welcoming and caring for visitors and pilgrims. A team can be helpful in creating the “specialness” of a SPP . All contact persons/hospitallers need telephone and email access, even if it is not their own.

The Contact Person has overall care of a SPP. They may or will know where the keys are kept (if the Place is kept locked), and:

  • Are named in Network publicity material and are able to take enquiries
  • Are responsible for the annual updating and recommitment to the Network
  • Deal with practical issues such as publicity, provision of prayer resources, etc
  • Involves their SPP in the supportive process of networking and local/regional development
  • Review their SPP in supportive monitoring of practice

The Hospitaller is committed to the well-being of their SPP and its visitors. They may:

  • Offer a simple, unobtrusive welcome that puts people at ease
  • Uphold the atmosphere of quietness in their SPP
  • Deal with practical issues such as publicity, provision of prayer resources, etc
  • Offer a non-judgmental listening ear when appropriate
  • Provide simple hospitality - a cup of tea or directions to where refreshment or toilets can be found
  • Engage in thoughtful, sensitive conversation that is non-intrusive and has no strings attached

“Small Pilgrim Places will make you think again about your Place.”

“We now have an extra dimension and focus that we simply didn't really tap pre-SPPN.”

“Our prayer is not just for ourselves but for the sake of those who visit; the discovery of the spiritual value of pilgrimage.”

(Quotes from members).