Welcome to all visitors - Tourists, Seekers and Pilgrims
A place where your mind can be idle, and forget its concerns, descend into silence, and worship in secret.— Thomas Merton
Small Pilgrim Places are:
- Spaces for pondering, breathing, meditating, praying and ‘being’
- Small places, not those already on the map, well-known, or that draw crowds;
- Simple, quiet and unpretentious, with the presence of the Divine;
- Places of worship, gardens, ruins, open spaces, holy wells, etc.;
- Welcoming and inclusive.
The Small Pilgrim Places Network:
- Brings together people who support the ethos of SPPs through prayer and practical support;
- Encourages members to promote the key elements of SPPs - quiet prayer and meditation, hospitality, silence, space and simplicity not only in SPPs but also in their own personal situations;
- Is mutually supportive, encouraging the exchange of experiences, inspiration and practicalities.
Find out more about us or view our list of small pilgrim places.
Interactive Map of Small Pilgrim Places:
Zoom in on the map to view the location of individual Places.
Today's Featured Place
St. Corentyn, Cury
The Grade II listed 14th Century Church is on the site of 6th Century Cell of St Corentyn. There is a Lady Chapel. The Churchyard has a Celtic Cross which is a Scheduled Ancient Monument, also listed …
Latest News
Wednesday 4th September 2024, 7:48 PM
Ali Green is once again posting a brief daily meditation on our Facebook page during Creationtide. The first three are in the Recent Additions section of this website, as a taster!