Welcome to all visitors - Tourists, Seekers and Pilgrims

A place where your mind can be idle, and forget its concerns, descend into silence, and worship in secret.— Thomas Merton

Small Pilgrim Places are:

  • Spaces for pondering, breathing, meditating, praying and ‘being’
  • Small places, not those already on the map, well-known, or that draw crowds;
  • Simple, quiet and unpretentious, with the presence of the Divine;
  • Places of worship, gardens, ruins, open spaces, holy wells, etc.;
  • Welcoming and inclusive.

The Small Pilgrim Places Network:

  • Brings together people who support the ethos of SPPs through prayer and practical support;
  • Encourages members to promote the key elements of SPPs - quiet prayer and meditation, hospitality, silence, space and simplicity not only in SPPs but also in their own personal situations;
  • Is mutually supportive, encouraging the exchange of experiences, inspiration and practicalities.

Find out more about us or view our list of small pilgrim places.

Interactive Map of Small Pilgrim Places:

Zoom in on the map to view the location of individual Places.