St. Mary, Oldberrow

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St Mary's was rebuilt in the C19th but retains centuries old features. Oldberrow is mentioned in the Doomsday Book (1085) and its first ecclesiastical record is in 709. St Mary's has remained a traditional church with little change to the services since 1662 and hymns are accompanied by a harmonium. Even the churchyard is managed as a traditional hay meadow supporting a wealth of native wild flowers that have been flowering and setting seed for centuries. Paramount is the maintenance of a worthy building and reverent atmosphere to house and celebrate the Holy Sacraments but St Mary's has an open door to those of any faith or none. Being dedicated to St Mary a natural interest is the feminine in Christianity. Proverbs 8:3 'She crieth at the the coming in of the doors' and 8.23. 'I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was'.

Open at all times. Services are normally held at 4pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month, alternating between Evensong and Holy Communion (BCP) but it is advisable to check the website as these may vary.


Oldberrow Lane, Oldberrow, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire, B95 5NU, United Kingdom


Grid Reference SP 121 659
By car: Two miles west of Henley-in-Arden on the A4189 towards Redditch, on the corner of the Morton Bagot turn.
Regret no public transport links. On foot – as by car.


Wheelchair access possible through the second gate – path has a slight incline. No toilet facilities but refreshments etc. available in Henley-in-Arden (2 miles).

Alternative telephone number 01564 793884 or 07873 362948

Hospitaller/Contact Person

Jane and David O'Dell

Tel: 07805 618717


Web Link

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