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St Sampson's Church, South Hill, Callington, Cornwall

The latest addition to the Network is St Sampson's, a small isolated Grade 1 listed medieval church, built in the fourteenth century on a site which has been a place of Christian worship for over 1400 years, probably the site of a monastery founded by St Sampson in the seventh century. Many have commented that St Sampson’s is a “thin place”, soaked in the prayers and worship of generations of local people. The churchyard is a haven of peace and tranquility, managed for wildflowers and wildlife. Near the gate is a a standing stone, one of the earliest Christian memorials in Cornwall.

What makes this a special place? The overall impression made on visitors to the church is of unassuming faithfulness, a testimony to the generations of local people who have built, cared for and worshipped in this building for almost seven hundred years. It is simple and largely unadorned but has a deep sense of stillness and peace enabling visitors to step out of the busy world to reflect and pray.

Point in View Chapel, Exmouth

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